What is the difference between conventional vs. cleanroom HVAC?

Similar to standard HVAC, the HVAC of a cleanroom controls the temperature and humidity to different levels of precision to create a comfortable environment. Cleanroom HVACs differ from conventional systems due to their increased air supply, air flow patterns, the use of high-efficiency filters and room pressurization. The increased air supply brings more air changes per hour with HEPA-filtered air circulating into the cleanroom many times per hour. A conventional HVAC system usually offers 2 to 4 air changes per hour, whereas a cleanroom HVAC system provides between 15 to 250+ air changes per hour.

Cleanroom HVAC designs require knowledge of regulations, cleanliness level guidelines, airflow, room pressurization, and temperature and humidity control, and must account for the processes taking place inside.

The ventilation ducts are also different and require engineering knowledge. The HVAC must also maintain the appropriate pressure differential to prevent air from leaking from a less clean zone to a cleaner zone inside the cleanroom.

Contact CE for help designing the right system for your application.